እኛ በዋነኝነት እነዚህን የሻጮች ምርት በቻይና ውስጥ እናከማቻቸዋለን እና በሚፈለግበት ጊዜ እንልካቸዋለን። በጣም ርካሽ የካርጎ ማጠናከሪያ አገልግሎቶችን እና ከቻይና የመጋዘን አገልግሎቶችን እናቀርባለን። ዘመናዊ እና ሙሉ በሙሉ ከታጠቀው ተቋም ጋር፣ እቃዎችዎ ዋስትና የሚያገኙ እና የሚጠበቁ መሆናቸውን እናረጋግጣለን። ከኛ ስፔሻሊስቶች እና ከተለየ የመጋዘን ቡድን ጋር ለረጅም እና ለአጭር ጊዜ መስፈርቶች ተስማሚ የማከማቻ መፍትሄዎችን እናቀርብልዎታለን።
ምቹ ቦታዎች ከተለያዩ የወደብ ተርሚናሎች፣ አየር ማረፊያዎች እና ማከፋፈያ ማዕከላት ጋር ጥሩ ግንኙነትን ይሰጣሉ፣ ከፍተኛ የደህንነት እና የደህንነት መስፈርቶችን ያሟሉ ናቸው። እና የእኛን የበለጸጉ ልምዶቻችን በጭነት ማጠናከሪያ፣ መደርደር፣ ማሸግ እና ከተለያዩ አቅራቢዎች ሸቀጣ ሸቀጦችን በማጓጓዝ የተለያዩ ዝርዝር መግለጫዎች ምርጥ የሎጂስቲክስ መፍትሄዎችን በብቃት ሊያቀርቡልዎ ይችላሉ።
- 30 ፎርክሊፍቶች፣ 3 የሚደርሱ ተደራቢዎች፣ 5ፖርታልክራን እና 5 የሸክላ ክሬኖች
- ተጨማሪ እሴት ያላቸው አገልግሎቶች፡ ማሸግ እና ማሸግ፣ የካርጎ ምደባ፣ ምልክት ማድረግ፣ የጥቅል ክትትልን መቀነስ
- ዘመናዊ የአረብ ብረት መዋቅር መጋዘን (የእሳት ርጭት\CCTV የክትትል ስርዓት)
- በመጋዘን ውስጥ ፍለጋ እና መሙላት እና የዲቫኒንግ ዘገባ በሙያዊ ሶፍትዌር ይደገፋል
- 24/7 የመጋዘን አገልግሎት
- ማጠናከር
- የአሞሌ ኮድ እና መሰየሚያ
- የግዢ ትዕዛዝ አስተዳደር እና ስርጭት ሎጂስቲክስ
- መጋዘን
Cargo Conslidation become more and more important in logistics. For many companies or buyers, freight consolidation can be not only a very way to control different import orders, but also a simple way to save time and money for customer. How to ship those goods by one lot? With our own warehouse in major port in China and different professional customer service personnel , Presou Logistics will promptly contact each of suppliers to confirm and follow up the details of each batch of cargo, sum up quantity of goods, check the packaging, and combine them into one shipment to arrange the appropriate shipping schedule or flight schedule. We will be your transport consultant, many batches of goods will be combined into one packaging, whether by air, sea, we will ensure that all your goods can be combined into one shipment with security and cost-effective.
Presou Logistics stands out with its state-of-the-art infrastructure and an impressive array of equipment and services designed to improve the efficiency and safety of logistics operations:
እሴት የተጨመሩ አገልግሎቶች:Presou Logistics not only provides warehousing services, but also provides a range of value-added services, including packing and repacking, cargo sorting, labeling and shrink wrap monitoring. These services not only add value to the logistics process, but also help improve the overall efficiency of the supply chain.
Modern steel structure warehouses: Presou Logistics’s warehouses are equipped with modern security facilities, including surveillance cameras, alarm systems and fire prevention measures to ensure the safety of customers’ goods. At the same time, the warehouses are regularly maintained and cleaned to provide optimal storage conditions.
Innovative software support: Professional software supports warehouse search and reporting, promotes efficient operations, and provides customers with transparent and detailed reports.
24/7 warehousing services: Presou Logistics recognizes the uninterrupted nature of global trade and ensures that warehousing services are available around the clock. This flexibility meets the needs of businesses operating across time zones and reflects Presou Logistics’s commitment to adaptability and customer-centricity.
Integration services: In addition to traditional warehousing services, Presou Logistics also excels in integration services. From barcoding and labeling to purchase order management and delivery logistics, the company offers a comprehensive suite of services to streamline the entire logistics process.
የማከማቻ ወጪዎች
- Daily rental fee: charged according to the number of days the goods are stored, usually calculated per cubic meter or per pallet.
- Monthly rental fee: If the customer needs long-term storage, a monthly rental fee may be provided, which is usually lower than the daily rental fee.
- Cargo volume/weight difference: pricing is based on the volume (cubic meter) or weight (kilogram) of the goods.
Inbound and outbound costs
- Inbound handling fee: includes receiving goods, checking, scanning barcodes and registering them in the warehouse.
- Outbound handling fee: when the goods are out of the warehouse, it includes the costs of packaging, loading, barcode scanning and other related operations.
Operation service fees
- Loading and unloading fees: the cost of loading, unloading, moving, stacking and other operations of goods in the warehouse, usually charged by manpower hours.
- Sorting/labeling fees: if the goods need to be re-sorted or re-labeled, additional operating costs may be incurred.
- Palletizing fee: if the goods need to be sorted on pallets or re-packed, charges are made based on the number of pallets or the number of pieces of goods.
Value-added service fees
- የጭነት መድን; Customers can choose to purchase insurance for the stored goods, which is usually charged at a certain percentage of the value of the goods.
- Customs clearance service fee: If the warehouse provides customs clearance services, it can also be regarded as one of the value-added services.
- Special storage environment fees: If special environments such as refrigeration, constant temperature, dehumidification, etc. are required, there will usually be additional fees.
Overdue storage fees
If the goods exceed the agreed storage period, overdue storage fees may be incurred, usually charged on a daily basis.
If you want to know the specific price, please contact the Presou Logistics team and we will reply to you within 24 hours!
Presou Logistics has well-located and well-equipped warehouses in major ports in China, providing optimal connections to major transportation hubs. Modern facilities coupled with advanced security measures ensure the safety of stored goods, making Presou Logistics a reliable choice for safe and efficient warehousing.
Presou Logistics excels at cargo consolidation with its strategic warehouse advantages. Professional customer service staff promptly coordinate with suppliers to confirm and follow up on the details of each shipment. This meticulous process ensures that goods are seamlessly combined into one shipment, providing a solution that is both safe and cost-effective.
Presou Logistics goes beyond traditional warehousing to provide a range of value-added services. These services include packing, repacking, cargo sorting, labeling, and shrink wrap monitoring. The company is committed to providing comprehensive services that add tangible value to the logistics process and simplify customers’ operations.
Presou Logistics is a reliable ally for businesses seeking to optimize their supply chains. The company’s customer-centric approach, coupled with strategic warehouse positioning, efficient cargo consolidation, and comprehensive services, make Freight VIP a trusted partner in the complex world of global trade.
Presou Logistics provides transparent pricing with no hidden fees, so customers can clearly understand the specific costs of each service. We provide flexible price plans based on customer needs to ensure maximum value for money